6 Reasons why a VA is great for small businesses
There is no doubt that you need a helping hand when running a small business. Someone to order supplies when they run low, make sales calls or even help with your weekly bookkeeping. But being a small business that’s still in its early stages, you may not afford to hire and even create space for a full-fledged employee yet. Here is where a Virtual Assistant, commonly known as a VA, comes in.
A VA enables you to focus on your critical pursuits, and leave these other tasks to your outsourced office professional. Here are the reasons why a virtual assistant is beneficial to your business. 1. They Help You Cut Costs While it is a known fact that hiring a VA can help lower your operating costs, it can save you even more money in the long run. When you work with a VA, there is no legal obligation that you pay taxes or benefits. When operating a small business, you need to try and save everywhere you can. Another point worth noting is that you only pay a VA when you need them. You can set the number of hours your VA works, unlike a regular staff member. You can pay them to work 5 hours per week, and not necessarily 40 hours a week.
2. Help with administrative tasks
As a business that is just starting out, you want to put more effort on how to grow it. You won’t be able to do this if you are still distracted with administrative tasks of your business. A VA can help keep tabs on your deadlines, schedule appointments, utilize your email, coordinate and plan upcoming events, send invoices to your clients, track stock and order supplies and manage customer relations among other things. 3. Marketing and Social Media
As your main go to person, for the time being, your VA can help you in designing a digital marketing campaign, providing online marketing analytics, and research to establish where your potential clients assemble online. Also, your VA can help you design email marketing campaigns, increase your social media followers, compose and schedule your Facebook posts and tweets and even market a particular product. 4. Track your bills and accounts
This may appear like a simple task, but it’s one that can seem a little distractive and even interfere with your focus on the core tasks. Your VA can prepare management reports and financial statements, assist with following up on outstanding invoices, make end-of-the-year payments and reports, enter credit card transactions, manage bank accounts, provide payslips to your employees and balance your books. 5. Available When You Need Them
We live in an ever-increasingly interconnected world, opening your business from nine to five is just not good enough. As your business grows, it may become apparent that you need additional assistance. Your assistant can even keep the business operational during holidays. Thanks to a VA, it is very easy to get the extra support your company requires to grow and thrive.
6. Help With Core Tasks
There are two main things you shouldn’t waste your time on as a business owner: things you can’t accomplish on your own, and things you shouldn’t be doing. Instead, you need to delegate these tasks to a virtual assistant. Your VA should be able to perform these basic tasks, leaving you to focus on core tasks of your business. The purpose of hiring a VA should be to allow for smooth running of things and reduce time spent doing simple tasks that, while they are easy to do, should not be completed by you, for instance writing blog posts or emails.
Conclusion It is now becoming common practice for business owners to hire virtual assistants. A VA can help your business expand more than you could imagine, and they are more than just an individual being assigned to complete these tasks. For instance, hiring a VA gives you more time to concentrate on core operations of your business, like growing your company to its greatest potential and building business connections. Allowing a VA to assist you in your business will essentially allow you to expand your business, and they will become one of your businesses greatest assets.
For more information on the services our professional local, please team can offer you, please visit our website to see our various packages available to support your business.